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Success Stories
Wir unterstützen Firmen auf der ganzen Welt dabei die Geschäfte auf ein neues Level zu heben.
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This is the installation guide for the x240 Series of Multi-gigabit Switches.
This is the installation guide for the x250 and SE250 Series of 10 Gigabit Managed Switches.
Legacy technology on North Sea oil platforms is replaced to increase safety, network performance, and cybersecurity.
A leading flour mill revamps its server and network infrastructure to ensure 24/7 business continuity.
Arena Pantanal football stadium in Brazil selects an Allied Telesis network to kick-off the 2014 FIFA World Cup competition.
Commercial television station, Sendai Television Inc. in Japan, gains high reliability and integrated network management with AMF solution.
Oriental Melaka Straits Medical Center in Malaysia, builds a high-performing, future-proof Allied Telesis network.
Osaka Red Cross Hospital, in Japan, transforms the quality and reliability of their network with an Allied Telesis solution.
Shrewsbury School gets 24/7 network uptime.
Nagahama City Hall, in Japan, creates a stable, secure and automatically managed network.
Panasonic New Zealand Limited, select an Allied Telesis network solution for its new warehouse and distribution premises
Rugged and reliable transportation network infrastructure from Allied Telesis.
Dunham-Bush, a pioneer and industry leader in rotary screw compressor technology, selects Allied Telesis.
Allied Telesis helps EventNet Systems take superior networks on the road for large-scale concert tours and events.
Allied Telesis supports smart buildings in Tokyo with robust disaster recovery and IP surveillance solutions.
Kobe Electric Railway, in Hyogo, Japan, gets reliability and high performance in an easy to use, robust package.
Malaysia's largest local wholesaler achieves total efficiency in their operations and infrastructure management, with Allied Telesis end-to-end networking solutions.
The University of Hyderabad, in India, selects a resilient and powerful Allied Telesis solution for their network upgrade.
Australian service provider uses Allied Telesis to install campus safety and security.
Kansai University, in Japan, gains efficiency and automated network management with an Autonomous Management Framework (AMF) solution.