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This guide describes cable diagnostic tools and how to use them: Cable Fault Locator (CFL), Optical Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) and Active Fiber Monitoring.
This guide describes Autonomous Management Framework Plus (AMF Plus), a suite of features that simplify network management across supported network equipment from the core to the edge.
This guide describes VRF-lite and its configuration on AlliedWare Plus™.
This guide describes how to configure IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) on an AlliedWare Plus device.
This guide describes SSH and its configuration on AlliedWare Plus™.
This guide describes the main features of IPv6, the AlliedWare PlusTM implementation of IPv6 and how to configure and operate IPv6.
This guide describes the local RADIUS server and its configuration on AlliedWare Plus™. The local RADIUS server is a RADIUS server that runs on your AlliedWare Plus device.
This guide describes the comprehensive debugging and logging facility on AlliedWare Plus™.
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a set of procedures, policies, servers, protocols, and special files that build up a system that enables Internet users to trust the identity of those from whom they receive public keys.
This guide describes the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6). DHCPv6 is used to delegate IPv6 prefixes and to allocate IPv6 addresses.
This guide provides information about the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), including its architecture, benefits, how it works, and how to configure it on AlliedWare Plus devices.
This guide describes some specific features that are applied to some interfaces of AlliedWare Plus™ products.
This guide describes how to configure and use the mail feature.
This guide provides an introduction to Power over Ethernet technology, the PoE standards, PoE devices, and how to configure PoE on your switch.
The Domain Name System allows you to access remote systems by entering human-readable device hostnames rather than IP addresses.
This guide describes AlliedWare Plus TM Update Manager and its configuration.
This guide describes SNMP and its configuration on AlliedWare Plus™.
Saving configuration for hardware that is not currently present is called provisioning. This guide describes provisioning under AlliedWare Plus.
Precision Time Protocol (PTP) is an Ethernet or IP-based protocol for synchronizing time clocks on a collection of network devices using a Transmitter/Receiver distribution mechanism.
This guide describes the AlliedWare Plus Link Aggregation feature and its configuration.