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Success Stories
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Torquay Boys’ Grammar School upgrades to an Allied Telesis wireless network for easier management and higher capacity.
Allied Telesis Total Autonomous Networking modernizes access control and tracking for vehicles and goods at the Port of Bari.
AMF-Sec cybersecurity provides cutting-edge endpoint security and protection from insider threats for large vocational high school in Taiwan.
From strategy to success: Allied Telesis designs a state-of-the-art large-venue solution for Steaua Stadium in Bucharest.
GS Yuasa gains a robust and intelligent Allied Telesis network for improved performance, reliability and high security
An Allied Telesis AMF solution provides UniKL MIMET with cutting-edge technology and superior services.
An Allied Telesis solution achieves integrated management for new high-performing wired and wireless systems to improve user experience
Allied Telesis provides a successful large venue network for JAMI at the 40th Joint Conference on Medical Informatics.
Kliniken Südostbayern in Germany chooses Allied Telesis Autonomous Management Framework for simplified network administration.
Die Kliniken Südostbayern in Deutschland entscheiden sich für Autonomous Management Framework (AMF) von Allied Telesis, um den permanenten Netzwerkzugang zu gewährleisten.
Long-time partner Nutz GmbH gives Allied Telesis the ultimate endorsement: their own new network is built with Allied Telesis products and solutions.
Der langjährige Partner Nutz GmbH gibt Allied Telesis die ultimative Bestätigung: Sein eigenes neues Netzwerk wird mit Produkten und Lösungen von Allied Telesis aufgebaut.
Allied Telesis advanced network technology and long partnership with 3D printing company Materialise reaps results.
Allied Telesis set up the entire wireless LAN environment for the 43rd national high school invitational tennis championships in Japan.
The network at the huge Bell Works Chicagoland "metroburb" provides top-notch facilities for businesses, visitors, and building management.
A comprehensive, easy-to-manage network infrastructure underpins the educational and military missions of a state military school in Romania.
Paramount Bed gets seamless wireless connectivity across offices and showrooms at their Indonesian factory, with self-tuning Wi-Fi from Allied Telesis
Leeds United Football Club Trust Allied Telesis to Provide Rock Solid Networking Throughout Their Elland Road Stadium and Associated Training Grounds.
The schools of the municipality Pullach im Isartal modernize their IT infrastructure with Allied Telesis Networking.
Die Schulen der Gemeinde Pullach im Isartal modernisieren ihre IT-Infrastruktur mit Allied Telesis Netzwerktechnologie.