Manufacturing Solutions
Data is crucial to your manufacturing network, so moving it securely, reliably and quickly is essential to your success. We have the solutions, the products and the experience to help.
Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things transformation is increasing the need for connectivity between industrial assets. As the proportion of connected industrial assets and devices continue to rise, manufacturing investments in IoT communications and networks are also forecast to grow by
11% pa until 2029

Data is crucial to your manufacturing network, so moving it securely, reliably and quickly is essential to your success.
What can your company do to stay ahead in the Manufacturing industry?
A Manufacturing Success
Automotive client that creates first-class customer solutions needed its own first-class solution.

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Build your network to meet the needs of your manufacturing business. Choose high-performance Wi-Fi, powerful firewalls and resilient switching options combined with our flexible management solutions.
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