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This guide explains key Enterprise network solutions enabled by the features in our Layer 3 campus switches.
Allied Telesis delivers next-level performance to classrooms & mobile users, while protecting network infrastructure and ensuring data is kept secure.
Allied Telesis offre prestazioni di altissimo livello alle aule e agli utenti mobili, proteggendo al contempo l'infrastruttura di rete e garantendo la sicurezza dei dati.
Allied Telesis is here to make sure you’re delivering the most secure and reliable healthcare solutions to your customers.
Allied Telesis è qui per assicurarvi di fornire ai vostri clienti le soluzioni sanitarie più sicure e affidabili.
Solution guide for reliable, high-performance Wi-Fi connections everywhere you need them.
Guida alla soluzione per connessioni Wi-Fi affidabili e ad alte prestazioni ovunque sia necessario.
Reliable and fast data delivery is crucial to smart manufacturing processes. Our solutions and ruggedized products are field-proven in industrial applications.
La trasmissione affidabile e veloce dei dati è fondamentale per i processi produttivi intelligenti. Le nostre soluzioni e i nostri prodotti robusti sono collaudati sul campo in applicazioni industriali.
Le reti intelligenti e convergenti Allied Telesis collegano strade, ferrovie, aeroporti e porti in tutto il mondo.
An overview of the Unified Threat Management (UTM) features available in Allied Telesis firewalls for an advanced threat protection solution.
Una panoramica delle funzionalità di Unified Threat Management (UTM) disponibili nei firewall Allied Telesis per una soluzione di protezione avanzata dalle minacce.
Allied Telesis innovative solutions deliver outstanding value allowing complex physical infrastructure to be virtualized for easier operation and maintenance.
Build distributed network cores with Allied Telesis switches, ideal for large campus and data-mirroring environments.
With VCstack, your network core can be distributed over long distances to provide data-mirroring disaster recovery solutions.
Allied Telesis VCStack switch stacking technology creates a resilient network core for maximum availability.
This solution document discusses the ways our switches ensure a secure network infrastructure.
Allied Telesis provides secure solutions for companies to connect branch and head offices.
Allied Telesis intelligent converged networks are connecting roads, railways, airports and ports around the world.
Many cities want improved traffic management solutions but are stuck with legacy infrastructure. We discuss an innovative way to solve the problem.