OpenVPN Feature Overview and Configuration Guide
AlliedWare Plus™ OpenVPN provides a seamless, secure and easy means for employees to have access to the same resources whether they are inside or outside their company premises. Staff members have the ability to work securely from remote locations such as from home or when on business trips.
What is OpenVPN?
AlliedWare Plus OpenVPN is an SSL/TLS-based application used for creating a secure connection from a remote client to a central site. It establishes an encrypted and authenticated tunnel between the client and server and uses that tunnel for transporting traffic across intervening networks. AlliedWare Plus OpenVPN provides full Data Link Layer access, proven standards-based SSL/TLS authentication and encryption, and implicit firewall/NAT traversal. AlliedWare Plus OpenVPN is built on a solid and industry-tested security foundation and is very easy to use. It offers you the flexibility to work in a variety of modes that are easy to understand and hard to make insecure.
This guide describes AlliedWare Plus OpenVPN and its configuration.