User Guide: AMF Security Controller version 1.8.0


Devices that fail normal authentication and that match specific Location and Schedule conditions are called the UnAuth Group, and are connected to a dedicated network.

Devices are regarded as unauthenticated if

To connect an UnAuth Group to the network, you can set Location and Schedule.
If you specify both Location and Schedule, the group can access the network only if the both conditions are met.

While a device is connecting to the network as a member of the UnAuth Group, the device is automatically moved to the other network prepared for the authorized devices when the device gets promoted to the authorized state (because the scheduled time has begun for example).

This section describes an example in which the security policies shown in the following table:

Table 1: A security policy for a registered device
Schedule Start Date / Time Schedule End Date / Time Network
20XX-04-01 00:00:00 20XX-09-30 23:59:59 VLAN10

Table 2: A security policy for the UnAuth Group.
Schedule Start Date / Time Schedule End Date / Time Network
None None VLAN20

When a device gets connected to a network for the first time at "20XX-04-01 10:00:00", OpenFlow Switches on the network do not have packet control flow for the device. Then the device is authenticated and assigned to the VLAN10 because it matches the security policy of the registered device (i.e. the access time is within the schedule of the policy).

But if the device gets connected before "20XX-04-01 00:00:00" (e.g. at "20XX-03-30 10:00:00"), it is put into the UnAuth Group and assigned to the VLAN20 because it does not match the security policy of the registered device (i.e. the access time is out of the schedule of the policy) but matches the policy of the UnAuth Group.

As the time goes on, the device is re-assigned to the VLAN10 at "20XX-04-01 00:00:00" because the time suddenly goes into the valid range of the security policy for the registered device.

UnAuth Group List

This page shows a list of the UnAuth Group registered in AT-SESC's database.

Table 3: Target columns for search and sort operations
Item Name Search Sort
Group ID × ×
Enabled × ×
Note × ×
Number of Policies × ×

Table 4: Displayed columns
Item Name Description
Group ID ID (Name) of the UnAuth Group.
Enabled Whether the group is enabled or not.
Note Arbitrary string (comment) for the Group.
Number of Policies Number of security policies applied to the group.

Table 5: Buttons
Item Name Description
Page Top
Add UnAuth Group Open the Add UnAuth Group page.
Export to CSV Start downloading of a list of the UnAuth Group in CSV format.
UnAuth Group List
Heading Row
Delete Selected Delete all the checked groups.
Each Row
Edit Open the Update UnAuth Group page for the selected group.
Delete Delete the group.
Refer to CSV File in Appendix for CSV Files.

Add UnAuth Group

This page lets you add a new UnAuth Group.

Table 6: Sample Configuration Data
Item Name Description
Enabled Uncheck this if you want the group to be disabled.
Group ID (Mandatory) ID (Name) of the group to be created.
Group ID must be unique.
Max 255 characters
Note Arbitrary string (comment) for the Group.
Max 255 characters.
Only detecting the device. Check this if you want the group to be used only for detecting unregistered devices without allowing them to access the network.

Table 7: Displayed columns
Item Name Description
Policies List of security policies attached to the group.
Priority A priority value of the security policy. It must be an integer in the range of 0 to 255.
When multiple security policies are set, The interface registered to the device of the UnAuth Group is connected to OpenFlow Switches or AMF Members, it is determined whether the security policy with the lowest priority value matches in order.
Network ID of the network to which AT-SESC assigns the device in the group.
Location Specify a location where the device can be for AT-SESC to categorize it in the group.
Schedule Specify a schedule when the device can be connected for AT-SESC to categorize it in the group.

Table 8: Buttons
Item Name Description
Heading Row
Add Open the Edit Policy dialog to add a new security policy for the UnAuth Group.
Each Row
Edit Open the Edit Policy dialog to edit the selected security policy.
Delete Mark to delete the security policy attached to the device. The security policy to be deleted is indicated with the DEL mark on the left side of its record line.
Revert Clear the DEL mark on the security policy.
Page Bottom
Submit Add a new group with the input information on this page and subordinate dialogs by committing the information for the newly added group.
Cancel Cancel the operation for adding the new group.
Interfaces and security policies marked with DEL is deleted when the "Submit" button is clicked. Once you click the "Submit" button, you cannot undo the delete operations.

Edit Policy

This dialog lets you add a new security policy to the group or update an existing security policy attached to the group.

Table 9: Configurable fields
Item Name Description
Priority (Mandatory) A priority value of the security policy. It must be an integer in the range of 0 to 255.
When multiple security policies are set, the Device registered to the device of the UnAuth Group is connected to OpenFlow Switches or AMF Members, it is determined whether the security policy with the lowest priority value matches in order.
Network ID of the network which AT-SESC assigns the device to.
Maximum 100 IDs of the existing networks are shown in the dropdown list. If you enter text in the field, Network IDs in the dropdown list are dynamically filtered to the ones which contain the input text in Network ID, VLAN ID or Note (it shows maximum 100 elements). From the dropdown list, select a Network ID.
If the registered device is connected to OpenFlow Switches or AMF Members, it is connected to the VLAN subnet configured in the network. If the network is not registered in the device (if this setting is blank or the VLAN ID is set to 0 in the network security policy setting), the OpenFlow Switch uses untagged VLAN (subnet without VLAN) and AMF Member Is connected to the VLAN set for the AMF Member. The connection to the VLAN subnet is realized by sending as a tagged VLAN with the set VLAN ID when it is sent to the upper network of the connected OpenFlow Switches and AMF Members.
You have to add the network before assigning a device to the network. Refer to Policy Settings > Add Network for the instruction on how to register a network.
Location Specify a location where the unauthenticated device can be so that it is categorized in the group.
Maximum 100 IDs of the existing locations are shown in the dropdown list. If you enter text in the field, location IDs in the dropdown list are dynamically filtered to the ones which contain the input text in Location ID or Note (it shows maximum 100 elements). From the dropdown list, select a Location ID.
If you specify Location, the UnAuth Group can access the network only from OpenFlow Switches and AMF Members in the location.
If you do not specify Location, the UnAuth group can access the network from all OpenFlow Switches and AMF Members.
You have to add the location before specifying it for a group. Refer to Policy Settings > Add Location for the instructions on how to add locations.
Schedule Specify a schedule when the unauthenticated device can be connected to the network so that it is categorized in the group.
Maximum 100 IDs of the existing schedules are shown in the dropdown list. If you enter text in the field, Schedule IDs in the dropdown list are dynamically filtered to the ones which contain the input text in Schedule ID or Note (it shows maximum 100 elements). From the dropdown list, select a Schedule ID.
If you specify a Schedule, the group can access the network only when the schedule is effective. If you do not specify a schedule, a device can always access the network.
You have to add the schedule before specifying it for a group. Refer to Policy Settings > Add Schedule for the instruction on how to register a schedule.
If OpenFlow Switch has access to untagged VLAN (subnet without VLAN) and AMF Member to the VLAN set as AMF Member, depending on the switch setting, the device may be able to connect to the equipment on the control plane.

Table 10: Buttons
Item Name Description
Bottom of the dialog
Submit Add or update the security policy information.
Cancel Cancel the operation for adding or updating policy.

Update UnAuth Group

This page lets you update the information of an existing UnAuth Group.

Table 11: Configurable fields
Item Name Description
Enabled Uncheck this if you want the group to be disabled.
Group ID (Mandatory) ID (Name) of the group to be created.
Group ID must be unique.
Max 255 characters
Note Arbitrary string (comment) for the Group.
Max 255 characters.
Only detecting the device. Check this if you want the group to be used only for detecting unregistered devices without allowing them to access the network. If this option is enabled, devices in the group cannot access the network even if the Network is specified in the security policy for the group.

Table 12: Displayed columns
Item Name Description
Policies List of security policies attached to the group.
Priority A priority value of the security policy. It must be an integer in the range of 0 to 255.
When multiple security policies are set, The interface registered to the device of the UnAuth Group is connected to OpenFlow Switches or AMF Members, it is determined whether the security policy with the lowest priority value matches in order.
Network ID of the network to which AT-SESC assigns the device in the group.
Location Specify a location where the device can be for AT-SESC to categorize it in the group.
Schedule Specify a schedule when the device can be connected for AT-SESC to categorize it in the group.

Table 13: Buttons
Item Name Description
Heading Row
Add Open the Edit Policy dialog to add a new security policy for the UnAuth Group.
Each Row
Edit Open the Edit Policy dialog to edit the selected security policy.
Delete Mark to delete the security policy attached to the device. The security policy to be deleted is indicated with the DEL mark on the left side of its record line.
Revert Clear the DEL mark on the security policy.
Page Bottom
Submit Update the group with the input information on this page and subordinate dialogs by committing the information for the existing group.
Cancel Cancel the operation for updating the group.
Interfaces and security policies marked with DEL is deleted when the "Submit" button is clicked. Once you click the "Submit" button, you cannot undo the delete operations.

Edit Policy

This dialog lets you add a new security policy to the group or update an existing security policy attached to the group.

Table 14: Configurable fields
Item Name Description
Priority (Mandatory) A priority value of the security policy. It must be an integer in the range of 0 to 255.
When multiple security policies are set, the Device registered to the device of the UnAuth Group is connected to OpenFlow Switches or AMF Members, it is determined whether the security policy with the lowest priority value matches in order.
Network ID of the network which AT-SESC assigns the device to.
Maximum 100 IDs of the existing networks are shown in the dropdown list. If you enter text in the field, Network IDs in the dropdown list are dynamically filtered to the ones which contain the input text in Network ID, VLAN ID or Note (it shows maximum 100 elements). From the dropdown list, select a Network ID.
If the registered device is connected to OpenFlow Switches or AMF Members, it is connected to the VLAN subnet configured in the network. If the network is not registered in the device (if this setting is blank or the VLAN ID is set to 0 in the network security policy setting), the OpenFlow Switch uses untagged VLAN (subnet without VLAN) and AMF Member Is connected to the VLAN set for the AMF Member. The connection to the VLAN subnet is realized by sending as a tagged VLAN with the set VLAN ID when it is sent to the upper network of the connected OpenFlow Switches and AMF Members.
You have to add the network before assigning a device to the network. Refer to Policy Settings > Add Network for the instruction on how to register a network.
Location Specify a location where the unauthenticated device can be so that it is categorized in the group.
Maximum 100 IDs of the existing locations are shown in the dropdown list. If you enter text in the field, location IDs in the dropdown list are dynamically filtered to the ones which contain the input text in Location ID or Note (it shows maximum 100 elements). From the dropdown list, select a Location ID.
If you specify Location, the UnAuth Group can access the network only from OpenFlow Switches and AMF Members in the location.
If you do not specify Location, the UnAuth group can access the network from all OpenFlow Switches and AMF Members.
You have to add the location before specifying it for a group. Refer to Policy Settings > Add Location for the instructions on how to add locations.
Schedule Specify a schedule when the unauthenticated device can be connected to the network so that it is categorized in the group.
Maximum 100 IDs of the existing schedules are shown in the dropdown list. If you enter text in the field, Schedule IDs in the dropdown list are dynamically filtered to the ones which contain the input text in Schedule ID or Note (it shows maximum 100 elements). From the dropdown list, select a Schedule ID.
If you specify a Schedule, the group can access the network only when the schedule is effective. If you do not specify a schedule, a device can always access the network.
You have to add the schedule before specifying it for a group. Refer to Policy Settings > Add Schedule for the instruction on how to register a schedule.
If OpenFlow Switch has access to untagged VLAN (subnet without VLAN) and AMF Member to the VLAN set as AMF Member, depending on the switch setting, the device may be able to connect to the equipment on the control plane.

Table 15: Buttons
Item Name Description
Bottom of the dialog
Submit Add or update the security policy information.
Cancel Cancel the operation for adding or updating policy.

14 Jun 2021 09:30