User Guide: AMF Security Controller version 1.8.0

System Settings

Account List

Table 1: Target columns for sort operation
Item Name Sort
Account Name ×
Account Group ID ×

Table 2: Displayed columns
Item Name Description
Account Name Name of the login account.
When clicked, the Update Account page for the account is displayed.
Account Group ID Account group to which the Login Account belongs.

Table 3: Buttons
Item Name Description
Page Top
Add Account Go to Add Account page.
Account List
Heading Row
Delete Selected Delete all the checked accounts.
Each Row
Edit Go to Update Account page for the account.
Delete Delete the account.
Default account "manager" cannot be deleted.

Add Account

Table 4: Sample Configuration Data
Item Name Description
Account Name (Mandatory) Name of the login account.
Maximum length is 64 characters. Allowed characters are as follows.
a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ' - _ .
Password Login password for the account. Click "Edit" to configure password.
Account Group ID Select the Account Group ID to which the Login Account belongs.
Modify authentication database Check this to grant permission to change authentication database to the account.
Configure system settings Check this to grant permission to change system configurations to the account.

Table 5: Buttons
Item Name Description
Edit Open Password Configuration dialog to configure the account's password.
Page Bottom
Submit Add a new account with the input information.
Cancel Cancel the operation for adding a new account.
When you forget all the passwords for user accounts with "Configure system settings The AT-SESC configurations must be initialized if you forget passwords for all accounts with the permission of "Configure system settings" including the "manager" account. Please make sure that you keep your passwords safely and never forget them.

Password Configuration

Table 6: Sample Configuration Data
Item Name Description
Password (Mandatory) Login password for the account.
Password must be 6 to 64 characters long. Allowed characters are as follows.
a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~ .
Confirm Password (Mandatory) Enter the password again.

Table 7: Buttons
Item Name Description
Bottom of the dialog
Submit Configure the input password.
Cancel Cancel the operation for configuring a password.

Update Account

Table 8: Configurable fields
Item Name Description
Account Name (Mandatory) Name of the login account.
Maximum length is 64 characters. Allowed characters are as follows.
a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ' - _ .
Password Login password for the account. Click "Edit" to configure password.
Account Group ID Select the Account Group ID to which the Login Account belongs.
Modify authentication database Check this to grant permission to change authentication database to the account.
Configure system settings Check this to grant permission to change system configurations to the account.

Table 9: Buttons
Item Name Description
Edit Open Password Configuration dialog to configure the account's password.
Page Bottom
Submit Update the account with the input information.
Cancel Cancel the operation for updating the account.
Account name and permissions of the default account "manager" cannot be changed.
When you forget all the passwords for user accounts with "Configure system settings The AT-SESC configurations must be initialized if you forget passwords for all accounts with the permission of "Configure system settings" including the "manager" account. Please make sure that you keep your passwords safely and never forget them.

Password Configuration

Table 10: Configurable fields
Item Name Description
Password (Mandatory) Login password for the account.
Password must be 6 to 64 characters long. Allowed characters are as follows.
a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~ .
Confirm Password (Mandatory) Enter the password again.

Table 11: Buttons
Item Name Description
Bottom of the dialog
Submit Configure the input password.
Cancel Cancel the operation for configuring a password.

Account Group List

Table 12: Target columns for search and sort operations
Item Name Search Sort
Account Group ID × ×
Note × ×

Table 13: Displayed columns
Item Name Description
Account Group ID Account group name.
Note Arbitrary string (comment) for the Account Group.

Table 14: Buttons
Item Name Description
Page Top
Add Account Group Go to Add Account Group page.
Export to CSV Start downloading of a list of account groups in CSV format.
Account Group List
Heading Row
Delete Selected Delete all the checked account groups.
Each Row
Edit Go to Update Account Group page for the account group.
Delete Delete the account group.
Refer to CSV File in Appendix for CSV Files.

Add Account Group

Table 15: Configurable fields
Item Name Description
Account Group ID (Mandatory) Account group to which the Login Account belongs.
Account Group ID must be unique.
Max 255 characters
Note Arbitrary string (comment) for the Account Group.

Table 16: Buttons
Item Name Description
Submit Add a new account group with the input information.
Cancel Cancel the operation for adding a new account group.

Update Account Group

Table 17: Configurable fields
Item Name Description
Account Group ID (Mandatory) Account group to which the Login Account belongs.
Account Group ID must be unique.
Max 255 characters
Note Arbitrary string (comment) for the Account Group.

Table 18: Buttons
Item Name Description
Submit Go to Update Account Group page for the account group.
Cancel Cancel the operation for updating the account group.

Network Settings

View and change network configurations for the AT-SESC system.

◼ Interfaces

Table 19: Configuration fields for Interfaces
Item Name Description
Name Name of the interface.
MAC Address MAC address of the interface.
IPv4 Address IPv4 address and subnet mask of the interface.

Table 20: Buttons
Item Name Description
Each Row
Edit Open the Interface Settings page for the interface.
Delete Delete configurations for the interface.

◼ Services

Table 21: Configuration fields for Services
Item Name Description
Web Server Protocol Protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) to use for the web interface. Default is HTTPS.
Web Server Port Number TCP port number that AT-SESC's web interface is listening on. Valid range is 1 to 65535. Default is 443.

Table 22: Buttons
Item Name Description
Submit Update the network configurations with the input data.

Only TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 are supported for HTTPS.
AT-SESC is using several ports internally. Refer to Appendix's TCP or UDP port used by AT-SESC for the ports used by AT-SESC.

◼ Database Synchronization

Table 23: Configuration fields for Database Synchronization
Item Name Description
Enable authentication database synchronization. Check this to synchronize authentication database between two AT-SESC systems for redundancy.
Local IPv4 Address Local IPv4 address to use for synchronization.
Peer IPv4 Address Remote IPv4 address to use for synchronization.
If the system time is changed by a certain amount after synchronization started, there may be a case where the authentication data cannot be changed any further. If it happens, please disable synchronization on both systems, adjust system clocks correctly, then enable synchronization again.

Table 24: Buttons
Item Name Description
Submit Update the network configurations with the input data.

◼ Secondary host

Table 25: Configurable fields for Secondary host
Item Name Description
Do not send error response against authentication database modification request by API via the Secondary host. Suppress error logs generated by the secondary AT-SESC system.
Suppress duplicated syslog messages and mail from secondary host. Suppress duplicated log messages by disabling log transmission on the secondary AT-SESC system.

Table 26: Buttons
Item Name Description
Submit Update the network configurations with the input data.

Interface Settings

This page lets you configure the network interface of the AT-SESC system.

Table 27: Configurable fields
Item Name Description
Name Name of the interface.
IPv4 Address IPv4 address of the interface.
Netmask IPv4 netmask for the interface.
Default Gateway IPv4 default gateway address.
Primary DNS Server or Secondary DNS Server IPv4 DNS server addresses.

Table 28: Buttons
Item Name Description
Page Bottom
Submit Save the input interface configurations.
Cancel Cancel the operation for updating the interface configurations.

Logging Settings

When changing the Logging Settings, the connection with the connected OpenFlow switch is temporarily disconnected.

◼ Log Output
You can view and configure levels for various types of logs.

Table 29: Configuration fields for Log Output
Item Name Description
Device Authentication Result Minimum level for device authentication logs to be output. Default is Informational.
OpenFlow Controller Minimum level for the OpenFlow protocol logs to be output. Default is Informational.
OpenFlow Protocol Packets Minimum level for the OpenFlow packet logs to be output. Default is Disable (do not output any log of this type).
GUI Operation Minimum level for the web interface logs to be output. Default is Informational.
Trap Monitor Minimum level for the trap monitor logs to be output. Default is Informational.
Escape double quotation characters in quoted string Escape double quotes in the log message. Default is disabled.

◼ Syslog

Table 30: Configuration fields for Syslog
Item Name Description
Syslog Server Set the IPv4 address or hostname and UDP port number of the external Syslog server that sends the log.
The forwarding destination should be in the form of "A.B.C.D:P" where the A.B.C.D is an IPv4 address and P is a port number.
Multiple Syslog servers can be specified by separating each address by a semicolon (;). A colon (:) and a port number can be omitted if the host is listening on the default syslog port (514).
AT-SESC is using several ports internally. Refer to Appendix's TCP or UDP port used by AT-SESC for the ports used by AT-SESC.

Table 31: Buttons
Item Name Description
Page Bottom
Submit Save the input logging configurations.

System Time Settings

◼ Timezone

Table 32: Configurable fields for Timezone
Item Name Description
Timezone Timezone for the system.
Enable Daylight Saving Time. Check this to enable daylight saving time processing on the selected timezone.

Table 33: Buttons
Item Name Description
Submit Save the settings in the section.

◼ System Time

Table 34: Configurable fields for System Time
Item Name Description
System Time System date (year, month, day) and time (hour, minute, second).

Table 35: Buttons
Item Name Description
Submit Save the settings in the section.


Table 36: Configurable fields for NTP
Item Name Description
NTP Server IPv4 Address Set the IPv4 address or hostname of the external NTP server that synchronizes the time.
If the external NTP server does not synchronize to any other NTP server, AT-SESC may not be able to synchronize the clock.

Table 37: Buttons
Item Name Description
Submit Save the NTP server setting.

OpenFlow Settings

When changing the OpenFlow Settings, the connection with the connected OpenFlow switch is temporarily disconnected.

Table 38: Configurable fields
Item Name Description
OpenFlow TCP Port Number TCP port number on which AT-SESC's OpenFlow controller is waiting for control plane connections.
Valid range is 1 to 65535. Default is 6653.
OpenFlow Session Timeout Configure a timeout (in seconds) to disconnect an OpenFlow session with an irresponsive switch.
When AT-SESC does not receive any message from an OpenFlow Switch for half of this timeout value, AT-SESC sends Echo request message to the switch. If the switch does not respond to the Echo request within the timeout period, AT-SESC automatically closes the session with the switch.
Valid range is 20 to 300. Default is 30.
Default Upstream Port Default setting for OpenFlow Switch's upstream port. If no upstream port is specified in a configuration for an OpenFlow Switch, the default upstream port is used as upstream port on the OpenFlow Switch. Specify it with a port name or an OpenFlow port number.
Default is unspecified (empty) which means that the OpenFlow port with the smallest OpenFlow port number on a switch is used as upstream port.
Quarantine VLAN ID VLAN ID of the quarantine network where quarantined devices are placed.
Valid range is 0 to 4094. Default is 4089.
Flow Lifetime
(Hard Timeout)
Configure the default flow lifetime (in seconds) on the switch.
When this amount of time has passed since a flow is created for a device, the flow is automatically deleted from OpenFlow Switches even though the device is still sending traffic.
Valid range is 0 to 65535. Default is 65535. Specifying 0 means that flows are never timed out.

This value is used when a security policy for a device does not have Schedule. This value may be preceded by a Schedule's End Date / Time.
This value is used as it is when the interval between the successful authentication and a scheduled End Date / Time is less than 65535 seconds. If the interval between the successful authentication and a scheduled End Date / Time is larger than or equals to 65535 seconds, actual timeout is set to 65535 seconds.
Flow Lifetime fluctuation Configure a maximum fluctuation value for Flow Lifetime (in seconds).
When set to non-zero value (X), actual flow lifetime value is calculated by subtracting a random fluctuation value between 0 and X from the Default Flow Lifetime.
This value must be less than the Flow Lifetime value and in the range between 0 and 600 (Only 0 is valid when the Default Flow Lifetime is 0). Default is 0. (The Default Flow Lifetime is used as is).

For example, when the Flow Lifetime fluctuation is set to 600 seconds, actual flow lifetime set to flow entries is determined by subtracting a random value between 0 and 600 from the Default Flow Lifetime (If the Default Flow Lifetime is 65535 (default), actual flow lifetime can be any value in the range between 64935 and 65535).
Reject Flow Lifetime Flow lifetime in seconds for devices which failed to authenticate. Valid range is 0 to 65535. Default is 30. Specifying 0 means that reject flows are never created.
Flow Idle Timeout
(Idle Timeout)
An amount of time that should have passed without any traffic from a device before the flow for the device is deleted automatically.
Valid range is 0 to 65535. Default is 300. Specifying 0 means that flows are never deleted even though no traffic is seen from devices.
Encrypt the OpenFlow control session. Check this to encrypt control plane traffic between AT-SESC and OpenFlow Switches.
TLS is used for encryption. To use encrypted control plane, you also have to configure OpenFlow Switches to use encryption.
Discard packets generated by OpenFlow Switches. Check this to install flows on the OpenFlow Switches that discard packets originated from the OpenFlow Switch themselves.
Reject Flow is operated same as normal flow. Configure the timer and deletion behavior of Reject flows.
Default is disabled.
  • Unchecked: The timer is set to Reject Flow Lifetime. OpenFlow Switches does not notify AT-SESC when they delete the flow entry.
  • Checked: The timer is set to Default Flow Lifetime and Flow Idle Timeout is used. OpenFlow Switches notify AT-SESC when they delete the flow entry.
AT-SESC is using several ports internally. Refer to Appendix's TCP or UDP port used by AT-SESC for the ports used by AT-SESC.
Default Upstream Port is applied to unregistered OpenFlow Switches When you are using both AlliedWare plus switches and AT-TQ wireless access points as OpenFlow Switches, configuring the Default Upstream Port disturbs flow entry registration due to the difference in the port number structure between AlliedWare Plus and AT-TQ series.
When you use non-minimum number OpenFlow port as upstream port on AlliedWare Plus Devices, individually configure the upstream port on each OpenFlow Switch.
Refer to Switches > Add OpenFlow Switch for instructions on how to register OpenFlow Switches.

Table 39: Buttons
Item Name Description
Page Bottom
Submit Save the input OpenFlow configurations.


This page lets you perform maintenance operations such as backup, restore and system restart.
System settings download and upload features are intended for pure backup and restore. Do not modify a downloaded backup file nor upload a modified file using the feature. When uploading system configuration, a file to upload can have any file extension.

◼ System

Table 40: Commands
Item Name Description
Download system configuration for backup. Download system configuration by clicking "Download".
Upload and restore system configuration. Restore system configurations from the previously downloaded backup file by selecting a file with the "Browse" button and uploading it by the "Upload" button.
Reset system configuration to factory default. Factory-reset the system by clicking "Reset".
Some configuration elements cannot be backed up, restored nor reset.
Manually backup, configure or delete those elements.

Licenses include the Base and Addon licenses.

◼ Authentication Data

Table 41: Commands
Item Name Description
Download authentication data for backup. Download authentication data by clicking "Download".
Import authentication data. Import authentication data from a CSV file by selecting a file with the "Browse" button and uploading it by the "Upload" button.
Erase all authentication data in this system. Delete all authentication data on this system by clicking "Reset".
Re-construct authentication database in this system. Rebuild the authentication database by clicking "Update".
Authentication data file to import should be in CSV format. Refer to CSV File in Appendix for CSV Files.
When you import and update authentication data, AT-SESC resets packet control flows for the devices which are contained in the authentication data.

◼ Trap Monitor

Table 42: Commands
Item Name Description
Import Trap Monitor rules. Import a trap monitor rules from a file by selecting a file with the "Browse" button and uploading it by the "Upload" button.
Trap monitor rule files are provided by our "AMF-SEC Technology Partner Program". Contact our sales engineer for the Technology Partner Program.

◼ System Start/Stop

Table 43: Commands
Item Name Description
Restart AT-SESC services. Restart only application processes by clicking "Restart".
Reboot AT-SESC server. Reboot the whole system by clicking "Reboot".
Power-off AT-SESC server. Power off the system by clicking "Shutdown".

◼ Technical Support Information

Table 44: Commands
Item Name Description
Download technical support information. Download technical support information for trouble shooting by clicking "Download".

System Information

After a version upgrade, management pages or operational messages may not be displayed correctly. In those cases, reload or restart your Web browser.
When changing the hostname, the connection with connected OpenFlow Switch or AMF Master is temporarily disconnected.

◼ System Information

Table 45: Configurable fields
Item Name Description
Hostname Hostname of the system Default is "sesc".
To change the hostname, enter a new hostname and click "Update".
Max 63 characters. Allowed characters are as follows.
a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -
Hyphen (-) cannot be used for the first letter.
System Uptime Time since the system started.
Database Synchronization Status of database synchronization. One of Disabled, Syncing or Disconnected.

Table 46: Buttons
Item Name Description
Refresh Update the hostname.

◼ Software Info

Table 47: Configurable fields
Item Name Description
Version Version and build number (internal version) of the installed AT-SESC software. After the version, "(soft)" is appended for AT-SESC.
Build Time Build date and time of the installed AT-SESC software.
Software Upgrade You can upgrade AT-SESC software from this section.
Upgrade process begins by selecting a file with the "Browse" button and clicking "Update". The system automatically reboots after the upgrade is complete.
Software Downgrade Only displayed after performing software upgrade.
You can rollback to the previous version by clicking "Revert".
Since version 1.8.0, Authentication Data contains the items not compatible with the earlier versions (1.7.x or earlier).
Therefore, if you want to downgrade, download (back up) the Authentication Data (CSV format) on the System settings > Maintenance page, then delete the Authentication Data.
After downgrading, use the Authentication Data that was backed up before upgrading.

Table 48: Buttons
Item Name Description
Refresh Upgrade AT-SESC software by uploading the specified software image file.

◼ License
This section lets you manage licenses for AT-SESC.
There are two types of licenses: "Base" and "Addon".

You have to manually install the Base license on the AT-SESC running on your server.

Table 49: Target columns for search and sort operations
Item Name Search Sort Note
Name × * * Sort order can be toggled between ascending and descending. Reload the page to restore the default sort order.
Serial Number / Expiration Date × * * Sort order can be toggled between ascending and descending. Reload the page to restore the default sort order.
Number of Switches × * * Sort order can be toggled between ascending and descending. Reload the page to restore the default sort order.

Table 50: Displayed columns
Item Name Description
The maximum number of concurrent OpenFlow Switch connections The maximum number of OpenFlow Switches which can be supported by the installed licenses.
Name Name of the license.
Serial Number / Expiration Date Internal serial number of the license.
Number of Switches Number of OpenFlow Switches supported by the license.

Table 51: Configurable fields
Item Name Description
Serial Number Enter a serial number on your license certificate.
Authentication Key Enter the license key on your license certificate.

Table 52: Buttons
Item Name Description
Delete Delete the license.
Submit Install the license.

◼ SSL Certificate
View and configure SSL server certificate of the system.
If you want external applications to interact with AT-SESC via HTTPS, you may have to install an SSL server certificate issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA).
"SSL Certificate" section shows a summary of the installed SSL server certificate.

Table 53: Displayed columns
Item Name Description
Common Name(CN) Common name of the web server (AT-SESC).
Organization(O) Organization of the web server.
Department(OU) Organization unit (i.e. department) of the web server.
Issue Date Issue date of the certificate.
Expiration Date Expiration date of the certificate.
Serial Number Serial number of the certificate.

Table 54: Buttons
Item Name Description
Upload SSL Certificate Open the SSL Certificate Settings page.
Reset Delete the installed SSL server certificate and restore the default certificate which is self-signed by AT-SESC.

SSL Certificate Settings

This page lets you install a custom SSL server certificate and a private key.

Table 56: Configurable fields
Item Name Description
Private Key Specify a private key file to upload.
Certificate Specify a certificate file to upload.

Table 57: Buttons
Item Name Description
Import Import the specified private key and certificate.
Cancel Cancel the operation for importing SSL certificate.

Trap Monitor Settings

This page lets you configure various parameters required for interaction with external applications.
You can also setup AT-SESC to forward SNMP traps and syslog messages to other systems.
Trap monitor only responds to specific set of log messages and SNMP traps. You cannot define actions for arbitrary messages and traps.

◼ Protocols

Table 58: Configurable fields
Item Name Description
Syslog Port Number Listening port number to receive syslog messages. Valid range is 1 to 65535. Default is 514.
SNMP Trap Port Number Listening port number to receive SNMP traps. Valid range is 1 to 65535. Default is 162.
AT-SESC is using several ports internally. Refer to Appendix's TCP or UDP port used by AT-SESC for the ports used by AT-SESC.

◼ Networks
Specify the monitored or unmonitored network, Syslog message, and SNMP Trap transfer destination host.
If Monitored Networks and Excluded Networks overlap, Exclude Networks have precedence.
Some external applications do not respect settings of Monitored Networks and Excluded Networks.

Table 59: Configurable fields
Item Name Description
Monitored Networks IPv4 networks to monitor using syslog and trap messages. Multiple networks can be specified by separating each network by a semicolon (;). If this field is empty or is specified, all networks are monitored. Default is
Excluded Networks IPv4 networks not to monitor. Multiple networks can be specified by separating each network by a semicolon (;).
Syslog Forwarding Destination Hosts Specify a host to which AT-SESC forwards the received syslog messages. The forwarding destination should be in the form of "A.B.C.D:P" where the A.B.C.D is an IPv4 address and P is a port number. Multiple hosts can be specified by separating each address by a semicolon (;). A colon (:) and a port number can be omitted if the host is listening on the default syslog port (514). Source IPv4 address of the forwarded messages are the address of AT-SESC.
SNMP Trap Forwarding Destination Hosts Specify a host to which AT-SESC forwards the received trap messages. The forwarding destination should be in the form of "A.B.C.D:P" where the A.B.C.D is an IPv4 address and P is a port number. A colon (:) and a port number can be omitted if the host is listening on the default trap port (162). Multiple hosts can be specified by separating each address by a semicolon (;). Source IPv4 address of the forwarded messages are the address of AT-SESC.

◼ Device Lookup
Specify a target range of the action to notify.

Table 60: Configurable fields
Item Name Description
None Notify actions on MAC address.
Device Notify actions on Device.
Tag Notify actions on Device Tag.
Device Lookup is not supported for AMF Application Proxy's IP-Filter action.

◼ Rules
Trap monitor rules can be updated and added through trap monitor rule files.
By default, trap monitor rules for the UTM functions of AT-AR3050S/AT-AR4050S routers are installed.

Trap monitor rule files are provided by our "AMF-SEC Technology Partner Program". Contact our sales engineer for the Technology Partner Program.

Email Notification Settings

This page lets you configure Email Notifications.
You can configure AT-SESC to notify an administrator with an email when an event such as device authentication or block happens.
AT-SESC also sends emails to forward the contents of syslog messages and SNMP traps it receives.
Email notification of syslog and trap messages are always enabled and cannot be disabled.
When changing the Email Notification Settings, the connections with the connected OpenFlow Switch is temporarily disconnected.

AT-SESC queues the Notification Emails by the following rules and tries to resend them upon failure.
To enable Email Notifications, check the "Enable Email Notification" on the page.

◼ Email Notification Settings
You can enable or disable email notification for each event with checkboxes.
"Send Email Notification on Block Event" or "Send Email Notification on Quarantine Event" is checked, AT-SESC also sends notification email when a device is blocked or quarantined by AMF Application Proxy.

◼ SMTP Server Settings

Table 64: Configurable fields
Item Name Description
SMTP Server IPv4 address of a SMTP server which AT-SESC uses to send out emails.
SMTP Port Listening port of the SMTP server.
Sender Mail address of the sender.
Receiver Mail address of the recipient. Multiple addresses can be specified by separating them with a semicolon (;).
Username Username for SMTP authentication.
Password Password for SMTP authentication.
Encryption Check this to use TLS connection to the SMTP server.
Language Select a language used in emails.
AT-SESC is using several ports internally. Refer to Appendix's TCP or UDP port used by AT-SESC for the ports used by AT-SESC.
If your browser is configured to use Japanese, some part of emails is written in Japanese even if Language setting for Email Notification is English. If both browser and Email Notification are configured to use English, mail body is written in English. Note that strings contained in authentication data or messages received from an external application are left unchanged.
When you want AT-SESC to send notification emails when a device is blocked by the AMF Application Proxy with "Drop Packets", "Link-Down" or "IP-Filter" action, check "Send Email Notification on Block Event" .

Table 65: Buttons
Item Name Description
SMTP Server Settings
Send Test Email Send a test email.
Page Bottom
Submit Save the SMTP server settings.


This page shows log messages generated by AT-SESC service. The latest 1000 messages are displayed in this page.
You can view messages for a specific date by selecting a date at the right side of the page.

Table 66: Buttons
Item Name Description
Clear All Logs Clear all log messages.
Download Download the latest log messages (max 300000 messages).
Refresh Refresh SESC Log page.

Action Log

This page shows AT-SESC services' log messages related to actions.
This page can display up to 320000 log messages. It is possible to filter messages by each field's content.

Table 67: Displayed columns
Item Name Description
Date / Time Date / Time the action was applied to a device.
MAC Address MAC address of the device.
Device ID Device ID
Device IPv4 Address IPv4 address of the device.
Device Tag Device Tag
Connected Switch ID ID of the switch to which the device is connected.
Connected Switch IPv4 Address IPv4 address of the connected switch
Connected Port ID ID of the port to which the device is connected.
Connected Port Number Port number of the port to which the device is connected.
Status Type of action applied to the device.
VLAN ID VLAN ID to which the device belongs
Network ID Network ID to which the device belongs
Action ID ID of the action applied to the device
Priority Priority of the action applied to the device
Action Originator Originator of the action applied to the device
Reason Reason of the action applied to the device.

Table 68: Buttons
Item Name Description
Refresh Refresh the Action Log page.
Download Download the latest log messages (max 320000 messages).
Clear Action Log Deletes action logs.

Table 69: Target columns for search, filter and sort operations
Item Name Search Filter Sort
Duration ×
MAC Address ×
Device IPv4 Address ×
Device Tag ×
Action Originator ×
Status ×

14 Jun 2021 09:30